It’s been two years since the Association of National Advertisers, working with consultancy Ebiquity and investigative firm K2, dropped a damning report on agency transparency.
Category: Agency Response
Adweek: Omnicom, IPG, IBM and Meredith Join the Board of a Blockchain Consortium to Set Standards
Executives from several major tech companies, agencies and media companies are joining the board of a blockchain consortium devoted to setting standards for using the technology in digital advertising.
The Drum: The Marketing Group’s Blockchain-backed Agency Truth Promises To Be Antidote To Industry’s Media Woes
The Marketing Group (TMG) has launched a media agency, built on blockchain technology, that promises advertisers 100% transparency as they grapple with what Procter & Gamble (P&G) brand chief Marc Pritchard now infamously described as a “murky at best, and fraudulent at worst” media supply chain.
MediaPost’s Mediapssst: So It’s Come To This: Agency Names An Integrity Director
You know an industry has a problem when companies start naming integrity directors. But that’s exactly what SwellShark, the media agency has done.
Read More MediaPost’s Mediapssst: So It’s Come To This: Agency Names An Integrity Director
Marketing Week: Mark Ritson: Media Buying’s Deadly Sins – And Why Agencies Are Too Late To Save Their Souls
Last week saw the great and the good of the advertising world trundle to New York City for Advertising Week – four days of talks, events, awards and general navel-gazing. If you have been to any advertising event you can imagine how it generally went down: the usual ongoing orgy of ‘disruptive digital purpose’ and ‘purpose-driven digital disruption’, and of course the big keynote on ‘the digital disruption of purpose’. Take your pick.
Mumbrella: ‘There’s an enormous lack of trust’: Agencies need to clean up their acts, warns former Carat boss
The way major holding companies have been treating clients’ media money without their knowledge is the key factor in the loss of trust by marketers in their agencies, a senior industry executive has claimed.
Advertising Age: Invisible Hand Behind WPP Wednesday: Transparency
Call it WPP Wednesday: Surprisingly weak second-quarter earnings and dour forecasts by the giant agency holding company sent its stock plummeting 12%, pulling other holding companies down 3-7%.
Read More Advertising Age: Invisible Hand Behind WPP Wednesday: Transparency
MediaPost: Global Marketers Improving Media Oversight: WFA Study Finds More Control, Transparency
A new study from the World Federation of Advertisers based on a membership survey taken in May concludes that many big league marketers are taking last year’s Transparency Report from the Association of National Advertisers to heart and making substantial efforts to improve stewardship of their media spending practices and relationships with agencies.
The Drum: ANA survey finds 60% of agencies taking steps to improve media transparency issues
However, the ANA reports after conducting a survey during the week of July 12 with 190 ANA members, 25% of those surveyed were not sure if their agency was working on the transparency issue. This may be due to the findings of the initial report one year ago which reported a “fundamental disconnect” between advertisers and agencies.
MediaPost MediaDailyNews: Only Two-Fifths Of Ad Execs Say Their Agencies Don’t Take Kickbacks
Nearly one in five ad executives acknowledge that ad agencies now take payments directly from their media suppliers to offset downward compensation pressure from clients, according to results of a survey of advertisers and agencies conducted by Advertiser Perceptions for MediaPost.